Re-Entry Services
Facilitates seamless transition of participants back into the community.
Mecklenburg County Re-Entry Services facilitates seamless transition of participants back into the community, while promoting employment stability, service engagement and continuing education.
Services included comprehensive case management focused on employability and voluntary participation from clients. Along with our partners clients receive assistance for basic needs, treatment services, medication, identification, education, vocational training, work readiness and retention skills training, items needed to begin employment (uniforms, work boots, tools/utensils, etc.), and medical/dental/vision/medication needs, employment, housing, peer support, and more.
Program Eligibility
Participation in the Re-Entry Services program is voluntary. Any individual returning to Mecklenburg County from incarceration in a state or federal correctional facility or an active sentence in a local jail or anyone currently in the community within one year of release from such incarceration. Services may begin before the client is released or while living in the community by completing a referral form.
Participation in the CJS housing program must be enrolled and participating in one of the CJS direct services:
Re-Entry Services
Housing is limited to clients experiencing homelessness and is provided in a transitional housing setting (shared common areas and rooms). Housing client must be 18 years of age and have no history of arson-related convictions.
Program Referrals
Referrals to the Re-Entry Services program can be made by filling out the online referral form via the link below or by completing the referral form found in the Re-Entry Services Brochure.
Re-Entry Partners of Mecklenburg
Re-Entry Services coordinates the local reentry council, Reentry Partners of Mecklenburg, or RPM. This is a network of local, state, and federal agencies, service organizations, faith-based members, employers, and people with lived experience who gather to support those individuals and families affected by the criminal justice system. RPM provides many events including:
Advocacy and education by delivering reentry simulations, training, and civic participation
Connection to resources through in-prison resource fairs and community events
Promotion of Second Chance Employment through Career Expos specifically for persons living with criminal records